Want to know how to lose belly fat?
Losing belly fat is a very common weight loss goal. For most of us, stomach fat is a cause for cosmetic concerns. However, other health problems are often associated with abdominal fat and obesity.
If you are looking to get a flat tummy or you would like to know more about the scientific causes of losing belly fat, this article is for you.
What is Abdominal Obesity, and Why Should We Care About it?
First of all, we should define what is belly fat and what is abdominal obesity.
Waist measurements of 35 inches in women or 40 inches in men is considered abdominal obesity.
The more abdominal fat you have, the more visceral fat you have, otherwise known as the “hidden fat” stored in the abdominal cavity and around the organs, which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
So, How Do We Lose Belly Fat?
I hate to break it to you, but doing hundreds of crunches every day isn’t the best way to lose belly fat, but it will help tone your core muscles. Exercises that encourage spot reduction just don’t exist. To tackle your chubby tummy, incorporate lifestyle changes that will lead to a decrease in total body fat by following these tips below:
1. Eat a Healthy Diet
This may sound obvious, but your diet is a key component in your fat loss journey and yet it is often the hardest area of life to make changes. Start with slow changes like, for example, eating a piece of fruit everyday and gradually, day by day, increasing your intake. Focus on plant-based foods, such as vegetables and whole grains. Limit your consumption of fast foods which often have excess calories, fat, and sodium.
2. Reducer Sugary and Alcoholic Beverages
Liquid calories are like stealthy calories. They don’t have the same satiating properties as calories from food, so when you drink alcohol or sugary beverages, your calorie intake is likely to exceed calorie expenditure. Excess calories leads to weight gain. It is no wonder that binge alcohol drinking is associated with a larger waistline. Alcoholic beverages can increase belly fat or make it difficult to decrease belly fat if you’re overconsuming.
If you like sodas, try switching to sparkling water. Perhaps indulge in a sugary beverage once a day instead of every meal. Make small changes that over time will lead to big accomplishments.
3. Include Physical Activity in Your Daily Routine
Burning calories through physical activity helps achieve fat loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, we need 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. This means incorporating 30 minutes of low impact cardio about 5 days a week. But even small amounts of physical activity are helpful and will improve your overall health and body fat percentage.
There’s no quick solution to belly fat, but slow changes in habits will help you lose that excess tummy and keep it off for good. Being more mindful of your food choices and learning to incorporate physical activity in your schedule will get you great success.